Career Clusters

IACG through its Career Assessment Test helps students to choose their right career path out of the below available 20 career clusters.

Design & Arts

Media & Communication

Human Service and Social Science

Marketing & Advertising

Business Management

Hospitality & Tourism

Architecture And Construction

Information Technology

Design & Arts
Media & Communication
Human Service and Social Science
Marketing & Advertising
Business Management
Hospitality & Tourism

Career Clusters

For students seeking to pursue their graduation abroad, there are various enticing career clusters to consider. From delving into Accounts & Finance to exploring the realms of Agriculture & Environment. For those inclined towards Health Science can embark on a journey to understand the intricacies of the human body and healthcare systems. Alternatively, for the mathematically and scientifically inclined, options like Maths & Engineering or Bio Science & Research offer avenues for innovation and discovery. Logistics & Transportation, Manufacturing, and Legal Services cater to those interested in operational efficiency, production, and law, respectively. Meanwhile, fields like Public Safety & Security, Government Services, and Sports & Physical Activities provide opportunities to serve communities, ensure safety, and promote well-being, each with its unique set of challenges and rewards.

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